Rediscover the Power of Healing

Our proven methods unlock new possibilities

Feeling like you've exhausted all options? If traditional medical approaches have left you feeling hopeless, we offer a path to renewed hope and healing through our unique methods

Three Pillars Of Health

Our methods have been clinically proven to get real results. It combines neuroscience and cutting-edge technology for treating even the most severe patients.

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In order to heal our body, brain and nervous system we first have to understand and implement strategies that will promote healing at our cellular level. Our cells need adequate energy stores in order to grow and replicate; without these basic needs healing can be stunted or never really have a chance to happen. Our NeuroSolution Methods start here by providing our cells the energy they need in order to heal and thrive.



In order to heal our body, brain and nervous system we first have to understand and implement strategies that will promote healing at our cellular level. Our cells need adequate energy stores in order to grow and replicate; without these basic needs healing can be stunted or never really have a chance to happen. Our NeuroSolution Methods start here by providing our cells the energy they need in order to heal and thrive.


Proper growth and maturation of our nervous system relies on our sensory systems being adequately stimulated. This stimulation fuels the systems in our body and brain and gives these various networks what they need in order to grow and mature. When our sensory systems are under stimulated our nervous system will be under integrated. Our sensory systems fuel our ability to move.



Proper growth and maturation of our nervous system relies on our sensory systems being adequately stimulated. This stimulation fuels the systems in our body and brain and gives these various networks what they need in order to grow and mature. When our sensory systems are under stimulated our nervous system will be under integrated. Our sensory systems fuel our ability to move.


Movement is the ultimate expression of our nervous system. Our complex brain is the byproduct of the need to move in order for our species to survive. Movement is highly dependent on our energy stores and sensory systems to be able to carry out a properly coordinated effort to even do simple movement patterns. Involuntary movements drive our vital systems like breathing,

digestion and our heart beat. Voluntary movement is how we command and manipulate our world which allows us to create and bring meaning to life. Thought is considered “internalized movement” and is the by product of a properly fueled and driven movement system. Proper thinking is dependent on proper movement.



Movement is the ultimate expression of our nervous system. Our complex brain is the byproduct of the need to move in order for our species to survive. Movement is highly dependent on our energy stores and sensory systems to be able to carry out a properly coordinated effort to even do simple movement patterns.

Involuntary movements drive our vital systems like breathing, digestion and our heart beat. Voluntary movement is how we command and manipulate our world which allows us to create and bring meaning to life. Thought is considered “internalized movement” and is the by product of a properly fueled and driven movement system. Proper thinking is dependent on proper movement.

Innovative Methods

REstoring hope through unconventional healing and recovery

Our clinic adopts a non-traditional approach to medical treatment, utilizing a fusion of pioneering techniques and advanced technologies that go beyond conventional methods.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy isn't just a treatment; it's a cornerstone of our innovative approach to healing. We harness the power of cutting-edge lasers, delivering advanced solutions that go beyond traditional methods.

NeuroSolution Laser Therapy performed on a pediatric patient in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Primitive Reflex Integration

Integrating primitive reflexes is absolutely vital for the proper development of the brain and nervous system. This approach alleviates a wide array of symptoms, ultimately contributing to your overall well-being.

Dr. Kyle Daigle and team treating a pediatric patient with the NeuroSolution Primitive Reflex Integration method in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Vagus / Trigeminal Nerve Rehab

We employ a range of cutting-edge methods and techniques to enhance and rehabilitate the vagus and trigeminal nerve systems. This comprehensive approach is dedicated to optimizing your overall health and performance.

NeuroSolution Center of Lake Charles treating a pediatric patient using the NeuroSolution Vegas Nerve Rehab method in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

NeuroSage by SNA BioTech

Unleash your body's innate healing potential with NeuroSage by SNA BioTech. Our cutting-edge software application meticulously targets the visual and vestibular system, promoting muscle function for optimal well-being.

NeuroSolution Center of Lake Charles method that utilizes NeuroSage technology by SNA BioTech in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Whole Body Vibration

We harness the power of Vibe Plates to enhance various aspects of your health, including balance, coordination, bone density, muscle tone, lymphatic drainage, gut function, and pain management.

Dr. Kyle Daigle treating a pediatric patient with the NeuroSolution Whole Body Vibration method in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

SoftWave TRT Therapy

SoftWave TRT is an innovative, FDA-cleared, non-invasive therapy designed to stimulate your body's natural healing processes.

SoftWave Tissue Regenerative Technologies device at NeuroSolution Center of Lake Charles

Extracellular Vesicle (EV) Therapy

Advanced regenerative medicine utilizing your body's natural communication system. Unlock the secrets of cellular communication with EV Therapy

Extracellular Vesicle (EV) Therapy at NeuroSolution Center of Lake

Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy

Experience the transformative benefits of light therapy for pain relief, enhanced recovery, and improved well-being.

Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy at NeuroSolution Center of Lake Charles

Unraveling the Path ahead

Start Your Healing Transformation


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Kick off your journey by scheduling a consultation. Use our seamless form on the "get in touch" page or call us at (337) 499-3162.


Create Your Strategy

Immersing ourselves in your narrative, we unravel the subtleties of your hurdles, crafting a strategy that's uniquely yours.


Experience True Change

Through our distinctive techniques, we redefine what's achievable, translating visions into tangible, life-altering outcomes.

Dotted arrows.Dotted arrows.

A Clinic Beyond Comparison

Family Intensive Program

Our dedicated team assesses your unique situation, crafting a personalized plan detailing therapy duration and tailored treatments.

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Get in touch with our knowledgeable staff to progress toward your unique health solution.

Dr. Kyle Daigle, of NeuroSolution Center of Lake Charles, performing laser therapy on a pediatric patient.